Gaming Vs Gambling in the UK

Gaming Vs Gambling in the UK
Gaming is very common for most people, especially the younger generation. But how many people game these days? And why are people gaming? TNS Nipo conducted a research on 'Gaming' in a couple of countries including United Kingdom.
73% of the British population is playing games. Notable is that in the age group 8-12 almost 100% of these kids games. In the age group 50+ it's around 40%. So gaming is something for all ages, not only for the younger ones. The British population between 8 and 50+ are good for an average of 5.1 hour gaming per week. One group stands out, males between 13 and 19 years old game 11.1 hours per week.
The main reason why people game is 'to relax and unwind' following by 'games are a challenge'. However this challenge aspect is more important for men than women. Gaming most often takes place alone and at home. The younger age groups are more social gamers and they play more frequently with friends or family members.
Men mostly like genres related to action, think about sports, racing, shooting and adventure. Women mostly like casual genres such as puzzle, brain-training and cards. Beside these genres, casino games become more popular in the online gaming world. In September 2010 Nielsen conducted a study about online gambling in the United Kingdom. According this study online gambling has gone up by 40 percent from September 2009 to September 2010. Within gaming it looks like that casino games is a new important and upcoming genre.
In this period about 3.2 million people in Britain logged onto Internet gambling websites. If you compare it to other websites, Facebook got only a total of 2.2 million visitors. It seems that around 50% of the online gamblers in the UK earn over A�30,000.
Not only more people are playing casino games in the United Kingdom, also the age of the players has changed. Before gambling websites were dominated by over-65s with lower incomes, but in the face of the recession this is changing according to the Nielsen study. People with lower incomes are gambling less. It appears that middle-aged men, well-educated and high-earning households, power gambling websites.
But is it only because of the credit crunch that gambling is rising? Or is online gambling changing? Maybe the taboo is breaking down? Such as Nielsen described, first gambling was dominated with old grubby men. So people maybe were ashamed if they gambled online. But the study shows us that indeed people of all ages and all sexes gamble these days.
Gambling isn't just winning money. Online casinos have so many games these days they have something for everyone. Casino gaming satisfies the reason why people like to game, to relax and unwind, and for men it's also challenging.

Gaming Vs Gambling in the UK Gaming Vs Gambling in the UK Reviewed by Gambling Blogs on 02:04 Rating: 5

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